GPU prices are about to go way down Nvidia's next-generation GPUs might be postponed and PCI Express 4.0 
Image result for Massive GPU Price Drop In July, Next Gen GPUs Postponed ?
 While GPU prices have seen a very slow decline over the past couple months it's safe to say they're in reasonable territory now with mini right at MSRP and even some bringing back rebates and gifts with purchases well guess what if this article is right it won't stop here originally reported by digi times and admittedly hit or miss outlet their sources are seeing a pretty huge drop in demand for GPUs in the cryptocurrency market that makes sense considering currencies aren't doing all that great and haven't been for a while now plus with the introduction of a si C's for some big-name currencies it was bound to happen the problem is that GP makers clearly weren't expecting such a fast drop in sales and we're left with their metaphorical pants down as a side note
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 If nvidia and AMD in fact didn't push production as high as possible to catch up to demand this could be why they both understood the volatility of cryptocurrencies and couldn't simply get chip manufacturers to over more facilities or they'd be in an even worse place today with that said if this report is accurate they aren't doing great regardless other outlets have been quoting in the hundreds of thousands of GPUs being sent back to Nvidia and according to this worldwide GPU inventory is and the millions with Nvidia holding on to 1 million cheap use themselves 

Now this brings along some good news and some potential bad news the good news is that according to digi x we should expect an average drop in GPU prices by 20% this month that's obviously great news considering it's been practically a year since cars were reasonably priced unfortunately with this good news comes potentially bad news also according to digi times though oddly placed at the end with not so much emphasis the sheer number of inventory left is 4 submitted to postpone the launch of their next-generation graphics cards now I will say that none of my sources have heard anything so I'm seriously not sure how true this is but it could be a possibility that simply hasn't made its way to me yet lastly for today the new standard of PCI Express really might be adopted by AMD pretty soon originally reported by computer base an updated Linux driver from AMD shows it's preparing for the fourth generation of PCI Express

 For those who don't know the new standard comes with double the bandwidth the PCI Express 3.0 with that said keep in mind that we probably won't see PCI Express 4.0 and mainstream desktops anytime soon for one current GPUs don't need so much bandwidth though there's other uses for PCI Express Lanes like fast SSDs but that brings up the second point the tech is really expensive there's simply too much calls to involve to justify it at the moment so while the tech is interesting we're a good ways away before it'll matter to gamers all that much so while that does it for today what do you think in the news excited for price drops or bombed at the chance of a postponed GPU launch let me know down in the comments below.

Have a great day!